My Company arrived by boat on the beach near Duc Pho on April 13, 1967. We constructed a road from the beach to the airfield at LZ Bronco (Duc Pho Hill)
We started setting up our camp at the Duc Pho Hill compound on June 11, 1967. I got my camera and started taking these pictures in October of 1967.
The time frame for the photos in the Duc Pho area is from the October 6, 1967 till December 6, 1967.
1. Duc Pho - Area Map (large file)
2. Duc Pho - Our Camp
3. Duc Pho - My Home
4. Duc Pho - The Airfield
5. Duc Pho - Along Highway QL1
6. Duc Pho - Road Work
7. Duc Pho - Scenery
8. Duc Pho - The Girls
9. Duc Pho to Chu Lai - Duc Pho to Chu Lai
These photos were taken from December 9, 1967 to February 1968.
Most of these photos were taken in an area a few miles north of Chu Lai and south of Hoi An. We were west of Highway QL1 along a road named 535. This site was called Hill 63 because there was a hill nearby that had an elevation of 63 meters on the map. View map (large file) of Hill 63 area. The airfield at this location was called LZ Baldy.
The last two photos on the Goin' Home page show the barracks at Cam Rhan Bay where we stayed while processing to leave for home.
1. LZ Baldy - Area Map (large file)
2. LZ Baldy - Our Camp
3. LZ Baldy - My Home
4. LZ Baldy - Mine Work
5. LZ Baldy - Scenery
6. Bob Hope Show - Bob Hope Show
7. Chu Lai - Goin' Home
8. Chu Lai - Area Map (large file)
These are photos that have been sent to me by other people. Some in D Company. Some from Company C.
The first 14 photos are in black & white and were taken in March of 1967 when Company D was located on a white sandy beach (Dai Lanh) south of Vung Ro Bay. Some photos were taken at Vung Ro Bay as we prepared to move north to Duc Pho. The rest of the photos are in color and were taken at the Duc Pho Airfield compound. Also known as LZ Bronco.
Go to Mr. Gregg Heacock's Photos -
Gregg was with Company D when it left Fort Bliss, Texas and traveled to Vietnam by ship. A trip that took four weeks. Gregg took these photos from January 1967 to January 1968. If you were in Company D during this time period then you will probably recognize some of the guys, places and projects in these photos.
Sorry to report that Gregg passed away on October 17, 2021.
Go to Mr. Robert Daniel's Photos -
These photos are all D Company, 39th Engineers from February 1967 to January 1968. I lived with the 1st platoon, went on mine sweep with the 1st and 2nd. If you were in D Company during that time then you may recognize some of the places and people in these photos.
This photo page contains photos provided by General Albert Nolan Campbell. General was his name, not his rank. If you were in D Company sometime between November 1967 and November 1968 then you may recognize some of the guys in the photos.
Dennis was in Company D in 1967 and 1968. If you were in Company D during that time then you may recognize some of the people and events in Dennis' photos.
Go to Mr. Harold Pearson's Photos -
Harold was Supply Sergeant, D Company, 39th Eng Bn from 30 Jan 1968 to 25 Jul 1968 when he was transferred to the 27th Eng Bn near Phu Bai.
This photo page contains photos provided by Terry Rossiter. Terry was in C Company from November 1967 to November 1968. If you were in C Company during this time then you may recognize some the guys in these photos.
Paul was in Company C with Terry Rossiter. He was in the Duc Pho area at LZ Snoopy from the fall of '68 until sometime in 1969. If you were in Company C during this time then you may recognize some the guys in these photos.
If you were in the Duc Pho area on June 20, 1967 then you would have heard, felt and seen the explosion of the ammo depot on the beach near Duc Pho (Guadalcanal). Frank Nyross was involved with the clean up after this and has provided some photos that show what the beach was like after the ammo dump there blew up.
Frank was with the 46th Engineer Detachment at Qui Nhon. When the beach blew up on June 20 he was sent there with a D7 Dozer to help clean up and somehow ended up assigned to the 101st's 326th Engineers.